This PDG project includes the guidance of an Advisory Committee that is composed of representatives of our partner communities (Musqueam, Sts’ailes, Metlakatla, Métis Nation of Alberta) and institutions
The Advisory Committee meets with the project team twice a year to:
- ensure alignment of project activities with project goals
- advise on the development of constituent projects: help identify and respond to opportunities and challenges, advise on methods and strategies
- evaluate work conducted by the project team
The Advisory Committee includes:
- Boyd Peters (Sts'ailes)
- Leona Sparrow (Musqueam)
- Elmer Ghostkeeper (Métis Nation of Alberta)
- Sm'ooygit Nistooy Clarence Nelson and Councilor Alrita Leask (Metlakatla)
- Jessica Kolopenuk (UAlberta)
- Linc Kesler (UBCV)
- Daisy Rosenblum (UBCV)
- Jane Anderson (NYU)